The lineage of the Turks and their homeland
The area beyond them is what we today call Turkestan, which stretches from the mountains of Mongolia and northern China in the east to the Boze (Barzquin) in the west and the plains of Kamar Ya in the north to the subcontinent and Persia in the south.
Ghaz is the homeland of the families. The major tribes of this family lived in this area and were known as Turks or Uttar Ak.
In the sixth century AD, these tribes abandoned their original homeland and marched to Asia in groups. Historians cite many reasons for their displacement, with some believing that it was due to economic hardship. A severe famine and the growing population forced them to emigrate and moved to areas with vast pastures and abundant means of livelihood.
Some historians say that political factors were behind the migration. The Turks encountered some tribes that were far more powerful and numerous than them. He left Turkestan and went to an area where he could live in peace and harmony. This is the opinion of Dr. Abdul Latif Abdullah bin Dahish.
.Therefore, to escape the enmity of the Mongols, these tribes took the road to the west and settled in the areas near the river Jihan. From where he later came to Vafar to Tabaristan and Jirjan and settled here. In this way, the Turks became closer to these Islamic areas. The Muslims. The battle of Nahavand in 21 AH, 641 A.D., and the conquest of Persia after the fall of the Sassanid dynasty.
The connection of the Turks with the Islamic world
In 22 AH, 652 AD, Islamic armies began advancing these areas to conquer Bab. These were the areas where the Turks lived. Commander of the Islamic Army Abdul Rahman bin Rabi, may ALLAH Almighty be pleased with him. In the city of Braz, he met with the Turkish chief, Braz, who asked Abdul-Rahman may ALLAH Almighty be pleased with him for peace and said he was ready to join the Islamic army to attack Armen. Abdul-Rahman may ALLAH Almighty be pleased with him told him about his beliefs about Saraqah ibn 'Amr may ALLAH Almighty be pleased with him. The bazaar met Saraqah and talked to him about offering his services. Saraqah accepted his offer and wrote a request to Umar ibn al-Khattab may ALLAH Almighty be pleased with him. And informed them of it.
Hazrat Omar Farooq (RA) also agreed with Sara's opinion and after that, a formal agreement was reached between the Muslims and the Turks, then there was no war between the Muslims and the Turks, but both of them attacked Lashkar-e-Armen and there Islam Was published.
After this, the Islamic army moved towards the northeastern regions of Persia so that after the fall of the Sassanid wealth at the hands of the Muslim armies, the divine call could be spread in these areas. There were obstacles. When these difficulties were removed thanks to the peace agreement, the way to reach these areas and countries would be paved and there was a connection between Turks and Muslims. Turks were very much influenced by Islamic teachings and converted to Islam. Joined the ranks of Mujahideen for the publication and domination of religion.
During the Rightly Guided Caliph Hazrat Uthman (RA) reign, the whole area of Mudassar Tabaristan was conquered. Participated in jihadist activities to defend and spread God's message throughout the world.
Even after that, the advance of the Islamic army continued. Bukhara was conquered during the reign of Hazrat Amir Muawiyah (RA) . And at one time all the areas of Trans-Canal became part of the Islamic Empire and the Turkic tribes living in them adopted pure Islamic civilization.
The influence of the Turks began to grow in the courts of the Abbasid caliphs and emperors. A considerable number of Turks began to be seen in every field. Thanks to ALLAH-given abilities and sincerity, he has been promoted to great positions.
When the Mutasim ascended the throne of the Khilafah, the doors of merit were opened to Turkish influence. Large positions were handed over to the Turks. The Turks now held key positions in every sphere of the empire. He had wanted to do so. The Iranian caliphs had been occupying government positions as a great power since the time of Al-Mamoun.
Mutasim's move infuriated the people to a great extent. Unrest spread among both the people and the Sipah, which is why the dignitary founded a new city for himself, were his personal army and helpers settled. It was called Samarra and was 125 kilometers away from Baghdad.
In the most important period of the new Islamic history, the Turks will be very important in the empire. Even the time came when the Turks founded a huge Islamic empire. The wealth of this empire was strong with the caliphs of the Abbasids. The empire is known in history as the Seljuk Empire.