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Seljuk Empire

 Establishment of Seljuk Empire

Seljuk Empire

Many people saw in January the political change of the Seljuk protests on the stage over the events in the Arab-Islamic East. On the one hand, Abbas Khalifa tried to add pain to this pen, and on the other hand, the Fatimid caliphate of the Shiites. Was pulling towards

Under such circumstances, the Seljuks laid the foundations of a large Turkish empire that emerged from the fifth century AH to the eleventh century AD. The empire of Khorasan transcended Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Asia Minor. The empire was first established in Iran and then in Baghdad, Iraq. At the same time, Bedasan was included in Mawra al-Nasir (Kerman) in Syria (Silajah Syria) and Asia Minor (Silajah Rome). There is a small Seljuk Sultan Mu'tazilah. The whole empire was under the control of the Seljuk Sultan in Iran and Iraq.

The Seljuks did little to help the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad and its religious Sunnis and Jamaat. The Amin Empire was in a state of decline between the Shiite Buwahis in Iran and Iraq on the one hand, and the Mehdi Fatimid influence in Egypt and Syria on the other. That Boeing rule ended and the Obaidi Fatimid caliphate came to the fore. (Sultans in the Mashreq Arab. Dr. Asim Muhammad Shabaro: p. 2)

The Seljuk chief Tughral Baig put an end to the Boihabi empire inside Baghdad. He defeated all the revolts. Was killed due to -

The Bohemian Shiite influence was felt in Baghdad and the Abbasid Caliph. When the Seljuks invaded Baghdad from the wealthy and the Sultanate of Tughral Beg entered the Abbasid Caliphate, he was received by Caliph Qaim Bamrullah. Atta sat next to him and bestowed on him many honorable titles. One of these titles is Sultan Rukn-ud-Din Tughral Beg. Besides, did the Abbasid Caliph name this order after Sultan Tughral Beg? His name was delivered in the mosques of Baghdad and the Friday and Eid prayers were offered in his favor. Due to natural instincts, the Seljuks gained prestige throughout the Islamic world and became the black and white owners of the Bouiba shop in Baghdad. The Abbasid Caliph now accepted every suggestion and was highly respected. ۔ (Establishment of the Ottoman Empire: p. 2)

Tughral Beg had a very powerful personality. Kamal Shuja was a very intelligent, pious and just man. His support grew day by day and he had no strength. The army was ready. Tughral Beg tried to make sure that all the Seljuk Turks were a common majority. Full contribution to the propagation of Islam. (Establishment of the Ottoman Empire: p. 2)

The caliph's list included strengthening ties with the Seljuk Sultan in Australia, but he was married to the daughter of Tughral Beg's elder brother, Jafri Beg. Tughral Baig's marriage to the daughter of the Abbasid Caliph Bamarullah lasted a long time before the marriage of Tughral Beg. According to the eight Ramadan bombs, only one month later, Tughral Beg was 70 years old because of it. The former Mughals completed the Seljuk conquest in Khorasan, Iran and the northeastern part of Iraq. (History of the Ottoman Empire Muhammad Farid Baig: p. 2)

Sultan Muhammad Alp Arsalan (Bahadur Sher)


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